Welcome to my portfolio.

Each card below is linked to the final project or submitted for one of the core classes in the Web Development program. This is not an exhaustive list. For a full list of the required classes for the Web Development degree program click here

Website Coding

Website Coding

Create code for generating structure, function, and design of static websites.



Used PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, and Apache to create interactive websites.

Web Front End Design

Front End Design

Use HTML and CSS to design website user interface components (UI).



Used JavaScript to manipulate a web browser's Document Object Model (DOM)

Web Front End Design 2

Front End Design 2

Use HTML and CSS to design websites. Create responsive grid designs. Integrate user interface components into the site layout

Web Content Management

Content Mgmt

Used WordPress to create a content management system (CMS) website. Install WordPress configure settings and develop themes

Web Emerging Technologies


Reviewed upcoming web technologies. Learned strategies to remain current in web technology trends.

Web Development Career Experience

Career Experience

Evaluated and redesigned an existing photography website.